UCC Trading
Unique Chemical Co

Social Act

A Vision For Future

A Company Involved
in Servicing
In chemical trade, logistics is a key aspect in achieving hassle-free and cost-effective service.
We take on the responsibility of logistics and shipping to ensure that cargo is always delivered on time while keeping in mind customers requirement involving their production planning to assure that we provide an all-around service.
Furthermore, our logistics team and partners will endeavour to keep the cost of freight as low as possible, guaranteeing that our customers would receive the best possible pricing.
As an additional service for specific customer that require packings that are different from what manuafacturer is able to offer, we partner with facility providing companies for very efficient and professional repacking services. Our services include all types of materials including solids and liquids for hazardous and non-hazardous products. Due to a market gap, by including repacking service in our lineup of offerings, we have been able to attract more clients.
UCC Trading